The little boy you see in the photo is only 5 years old and has certainly read more books than many Albanian young people.
His name is Dionis Senjo and was born to an oncologist couple from Tirana. Dionis has over 2222 followers on his Facebook page and is widely-known for his intelligence.
When he was only 1 year old, Dionis started to show interest in the alphabet, numbers and geometry. On top of that, when he was 1 year old he had already learnt the names of all animals in both Albanian and English. He could also create “puzzles” – which is difficult for 4-year-old children.
Dionis has learnt to read and write the alphabet and numbers in Albanian and English within a few months, and when he was 2, he was able to do dictation.
This little boy’s intelligence has left his parents in awe, as they found out that their son could learn to write the Russian alphabet within a few months.
“We had to prevent him from learning the Russian alphabet since we thought it wouldn’t be useful for him in the future, so we decided to make him learn the Greek alphabet which he learnt how to read and write in an afternoon. When he was only 3 years old, he could do difficult mathematical calculations, and although we tried to stop him since we didn’t want him to lose his interest in the school subjects. He does this anyway, although we have prevented him from doing so. Dionis could even find two errors on the Periodic Table of Mendeleev sold in Albanian libraries.” –his parents say.
However, the little genius keeps surprising people: within one week he could learn the Greek numbers from zero to a billion; at the same time, he can repeat the English alphabet from A to Z and backwards with the same speed.
At the age of three, he could read everything in Albanian quickly. He was even able to read long,40-digit numbers in both Albanian and English.
At the same age, he had learnt the names of all the planets, many stars and galaxies. And not only this, but he also knows the geography of the Earth in the blank maps, recognizes every capital city, the flags, rivers, mountains, currency of every country, the periodic table, the human body anatomy and all the kinds of dinosaurs.
Dionis does not learn mechanically but logically. Up until now, he has already read 700 books, with 135 of them being in English.