The income per capita of Albanians in 2016, was approximately 4200 dollars per capita, according to the latest statistics, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Based on this level, Albania is ranked the 106th in the world, of 190 countries for which data on nominal domestic product per capita have been reported.
Albania is not only part of the second 100 countries, but it has a more negative classification compared to other European and even regional countries; furthermore, it has marked no progress over the last ten years.
Meanwhile, Slovenia has marked the highest level in the region, with $ 21 thousand per capita (38th place), followed by Croatia, with 12 thousand dollars (place 61th), Romania with $ 9,500 (place 67th), Bulgaria USD 7,400 (place 79th), Montenegro about 6,600 dollars (place 84th), Serbia about 5.400 USD (place 92th), Macedonia about 5.700 USD (place 93th) and Bosnia and Herzegovina with 4.300 USD in 2015. Albania comes directly after Bosnia (data for Kosovo missing)
Albania results not to have made any progress in the last decade, as the same IMF data, for 2005, show that even 11 years ago, Albania was ranked on the 106th place, showing that the country is stuck in the so-called convergence process (growth at a faster rate than the one in developed countries so that we gradually reach the EU average income).
At the beginning this progress was expected to take at least 30 years, but as the country has significantly stuck, Albanians will have to wait much more.
During 2016, income per capita in Albania (4203 USD) was half of the Eastern European average (8836 USD) and 13% of the European Union avarage (32243 USD), writes.