“Global Finance” has taken into account the Gross Domestic Product per capita, adjusted to purchasing power, according to International Monetary Fund data, to ranking the richest and the poorest countries during 2016.
Based on this adjusted indicator, purchasing power of GDP, Albania is ranked 98th in the world on the list of richest and poorest countries. In the region, Albania is ranked before Bosnia, while Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are respectively ranked 75th, 88th and 90th.
A clearer picture of living conditions is done by dividing the domestic production with the number of citizens of a country, thus taking into account GDP per capita. GDP per capita shows something more than the wealth one might have for each individual. But again GDP per capita does not include currency fluctuations, or different cost of necessary items, such as food, clothes and housing. Therefore, purchasing power has been taken into account in this ranking.
Taking into consideration only the income per capita according to IMF data, Albania is ranked 106th in the world.