Foreign diplomats do not give up on Albania. They are committed to resolving the political crisis in the country. Apparently US and the EU are expected to give a solution.
MEP Knut Fleckenstein and Senator John McCain are concerned about what is happening here for making another appeal to the Albanian political factor.
Now the country is in the situation where the opposition has already made the decision to not participate in the June 18th parliamentary elections if Prime Minister Rama refuses DP’s request for a caretaker government.
Fleckeinstein and McCain are not the only ones who Express their concern.
The US is serious about their role of the negotiator to resolve the political crisis in Albania after McCain called on them to give attetion to the Balkan countries.
Next week in Tirana is expected to arrive Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Hoyt Brian Yee. Yee, will hold meetings with the main political leaders in trying to reach an agreement between the opposition and the majority.
Various infos say that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State will meet with Prime Minister Rama, Elected President Ilir Meta and PD leader Lulzim Basha.
This visit comes after the failure of negotiator of the European People’s Party David McAllister.